
We're hard at work shipping new features for TMAI.

For a list of the historical changes, check out the changelog.

Have a feature request? Send it to us here!


Product Map (beta)

Quickly generate a ton of viable product (and freebie) ideas with a click.

Search Metrics for Microtopics

Pulls monthly search volume & difficulty for keywords, etc.


Sitemap input

Enter your sitemap URL (or a competitor sitemap), and the maps will consider them.

Question Map (beta)

Enter a niche, get a megalist of 'searched-for' questions.


Cluster View

Instead of the default table view, you can view the clusters together.

August 2024

Credit Calculator

In an effort to be more transparent about how map credits are used, we're building a simple way to display how many credits a new map will const.

August 2024

Country Support

You can enter a country to tailor the map to a location.

July 2024